SSDI Tips For Those With Mental Impairments

More and more often, people who suffer from mental issues like depression, anxiety, and other disorders are recognized as having a legitimate impairment. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has joined many who now allow those suffering from various mood disorders to apply for and receive Social Security benefits. If you are among the thousands of workers unable to do your job because of mental impairments, read on for some tips that might help you gain the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits you need that much quicker.

Two Categories of Proof

It's not enough to have a mental disorder. To be approved for benefits you must present proof. There is more than one type of proof needed and all of that can be divided into two main goals. Both of the below have to be satisfied before you can expect to be approved for benefits.

1. Prove You Are Suffering From a Qualifying Mental Impairment

For those with physical issues, a copy of doctor's notes, results of diagnostic tests, and medical records are often required to show proof. When it comes to mental disorders, you must also present proof from a medical or mental health professional. If you have not received treatment for your issue, you won't be approved for benefits. Whether you see your family doctor or a mental health therapist, seek treatment, follow all treatment guidelines, and take all prescribed medications. These actions present a body of proof needed to have your claim move to the next phase.

2. Prove You Cannot Do Your Job

The second part of the process involves disability determination services (DDS). DDS is an arm of the SSA that deals exclusively in comparing your impairment to the tasks of your job. DDS will closely examine a list of common jobs you are expected to perform. From there, the list of tasks is compared to your impairment symptoms. For example, if you are a corporate trainer who is suffering from an anxiety disorder, the DDS will note that standing in front of people and speaking is a task that you can likely no longer do.

When the Denial Arrives

The SSA doesn't make it easy to qualify no matter what your impairment may be. If you are turned down, consider that the first step in attaining benefits and speak to a Social Security lawyer about representation at an appeal hearing. They could help you find the adequate proof you need to signify your social security eligibility. Contact services like Todd East Attorney at Law to learn more. 
