Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit? What Damages Are Available For Emotional Distress?

If you've been injured or made ill by a faulty product, you're probably considering filing a personal injury lawsuit against the manufacturer. There may even already be a class-action lawsuit in the works. However, even if your medical bills are paid by the manufacturer, you could still be suffering for some time to come. What damages are available for emotional distress resulting from a physical injury? What legal issues will you need to establish in order to recover damages for emotional distress? [Read More]

4 Ways To Fund A Car Rental While Dealing With Your Auto Accident Claim

After being in an auto accident that wasn't your fault, it can take some time to get compensated for things like vehicle repairs and car rentals. You may have to pay for some of these things out of your own pocket until your attorney is able to settle your case. Here are a few unique ways to earn some extra cash that will help you fund your car rental until you can get your compensation: [Read More]

Being A Biker Doesn't Make You Guilty -- Steps To Take After A Motorcycle Accident

Thanks to uber-violent shows like "Sons of Anarchy" and biker gangs such as the Hells Angels, motorcyclists have long been saddled with a bad reputation. Unfortunately, this image can negatively affect bikers when they are involved in accidents. In 2013, for example, a group of motorcyclists were immediately blamed for a horrific New York City incident in which the driver was pulled from his automobile and beaten by a group of bikers. The incident, which was caught on video by a passer-by, seemed to show an unprovoked act by a crazed biker gang. [Read More]