Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Personal Injury Settlement

When filing a personal injury lawsuit, it's important to do everything you can to obtain the largest settlement possible. It can be a long process, so you need to make sure you do it right. Before you begin to do anything, make sure all your ducks are in a row. Here is what you need to do to maximize your settlement. Obtain & Preserve Evidence You need to begin collecting evidence as soon as the injury occurs. [Read More]

3 Expanded Benefits After You've Been Approved For Social Security Disability Payments

Getting through the social security disability approval process is hard enough as it is. Once you've been approved and start receiving payments, it's important to know your rights as someone claiming disability. Instead of feeling like you're stuck in a box, there are expanded services and features available to people receiving social security disability payments. By working with a social security attorney, you can sort through these different issues and ensure that your social security payments remain in good standing while giving you other opportunities. [Read More]

Slip And Fall Accidents: 4 Reasons Why Stairs Are Sometimes Defective

If you slip and fall on a staircase, you may want to file a lawsuit against the property owner to claim back the cost of any medical bills and lost wages. If you take legal action, the defendant's attorney will probably try to show that the defendant wasn't negligent, but to counter this, your attorney will need to show that the stairway was defective in some way. If you've suffered a slip and fall accident on a stairway, consider the four following circumstances that could help you win your case. [Read More]

Zebras In Danger—What Refs Should Do If They Are Assaulted During a Youth Sports Game

Out-of-control parents and violent players have often made being a referee for youth sports games a dangerous activity. In September 2015, for instance, a San Antonio, Texas, high school assistant coach allegedly ordered two of his players to target an official during a game. During the incident, which was caught on video, one player slammed the referee to the ground, while another hit him again while he was still down. From the video, the act appeared intentional, and the players later claimed that they were following the instructions of an assistant coach. [Read More]