Debunking 3 Common Speeding Ticket Myths

If you were recently pulled over because you were driving over the speed limit, you may have received a ticket. A speeding ticket is not necessarily the end of the world, but it is a violation that you will need to address. Unfortunately, most drivers do not fully understand these common traffic violations. This guide will help you understand the truth about a few speeding ticket myths.

Police Have Ticket Quotas to Meet

If you were given a ticket, you may feel angry, thinking you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time since police have quotas they must meet. While surprising for most people to learn, the police are not required to write a specific number or minimum amount of tickets each month.

Therefore, if you did receive a ticket, it was because you were violating a traffic law.

If You Sign the Ticket, You're Admitting Guilt

Once you are pulled over and the police officer gives you the ticket to review, you will be asked to review and sign it. Many drivers believe that if they sign the ticket, they are admitting guilt, which reduces their ability to take the case to court to get the speeding violation lowered or dismissed.

In reality, signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt. It is admitting that you understand why the officer pulled you over and why they felt you were speeding. Signing the ticket also confirms that you know how to handle the ticket, whether it be by going to court on the specific date stated in the ticket or hiring an attorney to handle the ticket and the associated fees.

Lying About Why You Were Speeding Will Help

Another myth that many drivers believe is that they can lie about the reason why they were speeding. You may try to say you are ill or a family member is sick and in the hospital. Unfortunately, lying will not be helpful in most situations, especially since many police officers will try to help you out with your "situation."

There really are no right answers to give if the police officer asks why you were speeding. It is best to just be polite and to answer as honestly as possible to reduce the risk of any complications.

If you recently received a ticket, help is available for understanding, reducing, and possibly dismissing your speeding ticket. For more information, contact a traffic lawyer today.
